by Hayley-motionhatch | Apr 15, 2019
You have access to the Mograph Mastermind slack group for at least one year. The mentors pop in from time to time and you can continue communication with your group and the other students in your session and previous sessions. There are opportunities to join future...
by Hayley-motionhatch | Apr 15, 2019
It is important that you attend every call. We provide different call times to different groups. You can select a time that works for you when you apply. If none of the times work for you. You are welcome to apply to a future session. We may have different options for...
by Hayley-motionhatch | Apr 15, 2019
You will be assigned your group based on your application. Considerations include which country you live in and what stage of your career you are at.
by Hayley-motionhatch | Oct 8, 2018
Yes, there is a clause included where you can charge a percentage for contract files. This is in the Commissioning Contract as you wouldn't usually do so when working in-house.
by Hayley-motionhatch | Oct 8, 2018
Yes, both contracts have clauses that state usage for self-promotion.