An invitation for burnt-out freelance motion designers & studio owners craving more balance


Build a motion design business that gives you the freedom to do what you love. Work on fun projects, make more money, and still have time left over for days off and restful holidays


Over 12 impactful months, Balanced Business Bootcamp will give you the mentorship, systems, and community you need to build a sustainable, stress-free business so you can work less, make more, and spend time on what matters most to YOU

Balanced Business Bootcamp is best for existing freelance motion designers and studio owners who’ve been running a business for at least 2 years and are making over £50K in revenue

“I doubled my income from $100K to $200K in less than a year while spending less time in the office!

I make more money now and work less because I am saying yes to the right opportunities.”

DJ Summitt, Freelance Motion Designer

“I want to work on creative projects that light me up, make really good money, and give me the freedom to do whatever I want”


This was the driving force behind your decision to ditch the 9-5 and start your own motion-design business.

But, right now?

>> You’re swamped with projects that have ballooned out of scope and working 12-hour days for pennies.

>> Or maybe you’re navigating a major rut in business, with no clue how to attract the right clients who align with your values.

>> Or perhaps, you’re making enough money to cover the bills but you crave more fulfilling work and time to really grow your business.

Either way?


You’ve found yourself trapped in another J-O-B with way less freedom and you’re on the fast road to burnout.

Want to know the ONE thing that separates burnt-out motion designers from the thriving business owners who are enjoying freedom, growth, and peace of mind?

(Hint: it’s not talent OR hustling all hours of the day)

Most freelance motion designers spend all their time serving current clients, leaving them with zero energy for marketing or growing their business.

So, when their projects end― they have to scramble for the next gig on LinkedIn, blast out a ton of cold emails, and underbid on bad-fit projects just so they can stay afloat.


Thriving business owners work smarter, not harder, by building systems that add MORE time to their schedule

That’s the secret to true freedom.


When you focus on creating a foundation of sustainable systems― your business will become an unstoppable machine that runs without you

Which means?

You have more white space on your calendar to:

😍 Attract a steady stream of better-paying, high-value clients whose projects fill your heart and your bank account

😍 Build a support team (or create automations) so you’re not carrying the entire weight of your business on just your shoulders

😍 Work on fulfilling personal projects that resonate with your values and leave a better impact on the world

😍 Create diverse revenue streams so your business doesn’t live or die by client work

😍 Scale your business while still having time for lazy weekends

😍 Enjoy guilt-free, quality time off whenever you want

How do I know?

Hey! I’m Hayley Akins ―


Founder of Motion Hatch, and proud fur-parent to a lovable cat called Elvis!

I have over 15 years experience as a motion designer, working with high-profile clients like Google, BBC, and the United Nations.

But despite my skills and portfolio…


I was almost made redundant twice in my career.

Even though I worked hard and took tons of initiative by creating systems to help streamline my employer’s business ―

I learnt a 9-5 doesn’t always provide the security most people think it does.

BUT there’s always a silver lining…

This ordeal finally gave me the confidence I needed to let go of the idea of a J-O-B and instead, create a motion design business that works for me and the life I want.

Instead of falling into the typical freelancer trap of over-working and burning out just to avoid losing clients ―

I made it my mission to create a business that lets me travel freely, earn good money, and enjoy more time with my loved ones.

Despite this, I had my fair share of struggles trying to attract the right clients, raise my rates, and find space on my jam-packed calendar for guilt-free holidays.

But the more I learnt about business & marketing ― the more I saw the importance of working ON the business, not just in it.

When all I did was client work, I had zero time to find new clients or even think about marketing myself.

But when I focused on creating systems and processes?

It gave me more time and freedom to market myself to better clients and scale my business so I could focus on what I love!

In my first year of freelancing, I managed to take 4 weeks off to travel to Thailand and immerse myself in its culture without worries.

And in 2023, I had the freedom to wander around Europe for 5 weeks while Motion Hatch continued running like clockwork, all thanks to the systems and processes I put in place.

After seven years of coaching other motion designers, just like you, I know firsthand —

The biggest hurdle holding most motion designers back is finding the time to really focus on the business.

That’s why I want to help you create the systems and processes that’ll give you even more time and freedom, so you can build a business that’s perfect for you.

The best part?

I’m putting all the knowledge and lessons I’ve learnt in ONE place so you can skip over my mistakes and fast-track your journey to a business that puts more balance, freedom, and money into your life!
Go from burnt-out freelancer to profitable business owner with:

Balanced Business Bootcamp

A 12-month coaching program that gives you the mentorship, curriculum, and community to sustainably scale your motion design business using the right systems ―

So you can earn more, stress less, and spend more time on the projects and passions that matter to you

(Whether that’s working with clients that align with your values, travelling the world, or spending more time with your family!)

Balanced Business Bootcamp puts you in the driver’s seat so you can build a business that puts more money in the bank AND more time on your calendar


Time to:


        • Book fun and creative projects that leave a positive impact on the world ― not just pay the bills

        • Travel more often and actually see the world because you’re no longer chained to your laptop 24/7

        • Do school pick-ups and drop-offs without needing to rush back home

        • Enjoy days off with your loved ones

        • Have leisurely, no-work-allowed weekends

        • Step away from the business because you can trust your systems and/or support team will keep things running like clockwork

        • Take month-long holidays without worrying about losing your clients

How ever you define ‘balance’ and ‘freedom’ ― you’ll have the direction, plan, and mentorship to get you there


It’s all about creating a rock-solid foundation of sustainable systems across these 5 key areas

Say hello to the Sustainable Systems Foundations Curriculum

Mindset Systems

Your mindset determines how you’ll succeed. It’s time to identify what’s really holding you back, how to ditch the head trash, and implement systems to stop imposter syndrome, self-doubt, and self-sabotage in its tracks. That’s how you catapult your confidence AND your business to the next level.

Goal System

Stop shooting in the dark and start creating a better direction for your business. You’ll set crystal clear goals that align with what YOU want out of business and life, then break them down into small, actionable steps.

Time Management & Organisation Systems

It’s not about how much time you can pour into work. The real question is: how can you work less while still making good money? The systems you’ll create here will streamline your business so you can free up more time to find better clients, work on projects you love, and still have time to spend with your family.

Positioning Systems

No more underbidding or accepting projects you hate. We’ll make a plan to position you as the go-to studio or freelancer in your niche, effectively market yourself, and get a steady stream of perfect-fit clients with less effort.

Growth System

Time to bring on a support system so you can scale sustainably. You’ll know how to hire and onboard new team members, set up free or low-cost automations, and how to spot opportunities for further growth without compromising your profit or freedom.

Right now, you’re caught up in the grind and trapped in a never-ending cycle of work

With the help of Balanced Business Bootcamp, you’ll implement sustainable systems that keep your motion design business running smoothly so you can focus on what matters most to you

Balanced Business Bootcamp shows you how to implement these systems so you can build a sustainable AND profitable business ― just like these motion designers 👇

“Balanced Business Bootcamp will help you spend more time on the important stuff so you can create a business that works for you!

Being a studio owner is tough. Before, I was sort of shooting in the dark and not really holding myself accountable on the goals my studio was setting and the direction I was taking the business.

Since joining, I’ve made so much progress and it’s given me the focus I need to take our studio to the next level. I find it a lot easier to step away from project work, which frees me up to kind of think about everything else and put into action the changes that we want to make across the business.

The regular calls with other motion designers and the connections I’ve made have been great as well. I found the community very motivating, and it made me focus on actually completing a lot of the content.

I’m extremely grateful for Hayley and the Balanced Business Community!

If you don’t have a community or mentors yet to give you the accountability to fulfil your goals, I highly recommend you join this programme!”

Mike Pettyt, Studio Owner

“Balanced Business Bootcamp has given me the ‘kick up the arse’ that I so desperately needed.

Before I joined, I felt like I was drowning in my business – completely lost and constantly overwhelmed.

But with Hayley’s guidance and teaching about putting systems in place and re-framing how I look and deal with my business, a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I now feel more confident in the direction I want to go and what I need to do to get there.

The expert calls from other designers as well have been super helpful.

I’ve also been fortunate enough to meet some amazing people on the course. It’s interesting to see where they are in their careers and being able to help them in some small way (and vice versa). It’s like a new little “motion” family (I know, that does sound unbelievably cringey, but it’s true).”

Liv Ross, Motion Designer, Animator, and Art Director

Balanced Business Bootcamp gives you 12 months of personalised mentorship, hands-on support, and accountability every step of the way

Weekly Live Calls

Your chance to hop on Zoom and ask me anything about business ― whether it’s marketing, pricing, passive income streams ― the sky’s the limit!

Calls rotate between:

    • Live Q&As
    • Get Sh*t Done Accountability
    • Sessions to smash through your To-Do list
    • Expert Sessions

(Plus! Get instant access to over 20 hours of past Q&As.)


Need extra in-depth support?

Book a 1:1 coaching session when you want to work through a problem or project.

The rest of the group can listen in the background (because there’s beauty in learning from the challenges faced by motion designers who are a few steps ahead of you).
But this is space for you and me to dive deeper on *your* business.

(Plus! Get instant access to a year and a half’s worth of conveniently catalogued business clinics.)

Guest Expert Masterclasses

Your chance to learn and get strategic advice from other marketing experts, motion designers, and studio owners who are thriving in their businesses.

Got an expert you’re dying to learn from? Submit your request and I’ll do my best to make it happen.

All sessions are recorded and available online, so if you can’t make it live, you can always catch up with the replay.

“The 1 on 1’s with Hayley provide tremendous insight!

Hayley is really great at looking at a motion designer’s unique situation and providing custom solutions to our challenges.”

Kalika Sharma, Creative Director

You’ll also get access to these growth-resources to keep you on track to building a balanced business

🫂 A Private Community of Motion Designers & Studio Owners

Step into a powerful community of like-minded creatives who are just as committed to building a sustainable, stress-free business.

(I limit each enrollment period to only 20 motion designers and studio owners, so this will always be an intimate space.)

You’ll (co)work together, get feedback and support, and hold each other accountable.

So many of our community members have found new friendships and collaborations just from hanging out in this group!

📈 Growth Plan Dashboard

Balanced Business Bootcamp is NOT a programme that’ll collect digital dust in your inbox.

Our Growth Dashboard gives you a checklist of actionable steps to follow so you have crystal clear direction on how to scale your business.

And you can track your progress so you can see just how far you’ve come!

📚 An Always-Updated Library of Systems Templates

Swipe and implement the exact templates we use at Motion Hatch to systematise, track, and grow an organised business.


  • Yearly, Quarterly and Monthly Planning Templates
  • Hiring Kit
  • Systems Process Dashboard
  • Client Project Management Templates

More templates are added depending on the needs of the group. All you have to do is ask!

🏃 Quarterly Momentum-Building Sprints

Every quarter, we’ll come together and focus on achieving one big goal to move the needle in your business and make progress, fast.

You’ll get extra resources, accountability and straightforward tasks so you’re not just learning ― but doing.

To help you get a steady stream of the right clients coming your way… you’ll also get access to:

🎁 BONUS: Client Quest Course (value £447)

Discover our freelance funnel framework system for client outreach so you can book more ideal clients and dream creative projects with less effort!

With Balanced Business Bootcamp, you’ll stay laser-focused on your goals no matter what life, business, or the economy throws at you


The process of scaling a business will inevitably lead to tricky situations and growing pains (don’t worry, we all have them).

But you’ll have year-round support and coaching to guide you whenever you need help.

Whether it’s:

❓ Negotiating better rates with existing clients

❓ Learning how to say ‘no’ to clients who aren’t in your niche or can’t pay your higher rates

❓ Planning how to take time off without compromising your revenue goals

❓ Figuring out the extra admin that comes with hiring and onboarding team members

❓ Dealing with whatever complication the business rollercoaster throws your way

I’ll personally work with you to navigate these hurdles so you can have a stress-free business that increases your cash flow and gives you plenty of breathing room in your calendar!

“Balanced Business Bootcamp is the best decision I’ve made in a long time and an investment in my future.

Instead of figuring out everything on my own, Hayley helps me to make it a success. I can ask her any question about marketing strategies, pricing, basically anything I want, which makes it invaluable.

Plus I’m part of a community that’s very supportive. We’ve all set goals for ourselves and it’s so motivating to experience all the progress.

AND we hold each other accountable, so there are no more excuses!”

Manuel Does Motion, Motion Designer and Creative

“Balanced Business Bootcamp is the perfect plan to make a quantum leap in the Motion Design business.

Thanks to Balanced Business Bootcamp, I feel more focused and more confident, and I also discovered the power of accountability and support from a closed community rather than an open one.

I love having Hayley around weekly and the closed community is like career and business therapy!”

Martin Ferdkin,

How Balanced Business Bootcamp works

Step 1

Go step-by-step through the Sustainable Systems Foundations curriculum to implement the pivotal systems you need across the 5 key areas of your business.

Step 2

Attend the WEEKLY calls to get live coaching and gain momentum
Every week, we’ll rotate between Live Q&As, Get Sh*t Done accountability sessions, and Guest Expert Masterclasses ― so you can troubleshoot your challenges, implement your systems, and catapult your business to the next level.

Step 3

Book a 1:1 Business Clinic whenever you need in-depth, personalised support.
These are yours to book (or attend) whenever you want me to go deep on a specific area or project with you.
By attending *other* people’s business clinics, you get insight into the different challenges faced by other designers who are a few steps ahead of you. Which means access to extra resources PLUS knowing how to tackle issues before they pop up in your own business!

Step 4

Network with a private community of Motion Designers and Studio Owners.
Connect, collaborate, and learn from an intimate group of motion designers who get what you’re going through and are laser-focused on the same goals: growing a sustainable business that lets you do what you love!

By this time next year, you could be:

✨ Attracting a steady stream of perfect-fit clients in your new niche

✨ Enjoying extra time on your calendar thanks to your new systems

✨ Working with amazing contractors who are focused on the day-to-day design work

✨ Making more profit, while working less hours

✨ Have afternoons off to attend your kid’s after-school activities (or take a nap ― you deserve it)

✨ Running a motion design business that works for YOU and your goals

✨ Earning good money to fund your hobbies, retirement, and bucket list

You should know: it won’t take a whole year for you to see a transformation…

Our members have been able to secure quick, impactful wins as early as 3 weeks in 👇

Joe had newfound direction within the first 3 weeks and saw a huge impact in his business within the first 3 months
“I’m only 3 months in and it’s already having a huge impact.

One of the best investments I’ve made in my business so far was joining Balanced Business Bootcamp. I’ve met some fantastic motion designers and I’ve received so much actionable advice. Definitely the most progress I’ve made in the four years since starting my own business.”

― Joe Walker, 3D Design & Animation

Alexandre created his CRM and booked 2 new projects

Ready to build a sustainable, stress-free, motion design business that gives you the time and freedom to do what you love?

Get 12 months of personalised mentorship, hands-on support, and accountability

Unlock access to:

      • Sustainable Systems Foundations Curriculum
      • Private Community of Motion Designers
      • LIVE Weekly Calls
      • 1:1 Business Clinics
      • Guest Expert Masterclasses
      • Get Sh*T Done Accountability Sessions
      • Always-Updated Library of Systems templates
      • Quarterly Momentum-Building Sprints
      • Growth Plan Dashboard
      • BONUS: Client Quest
      • Archive of 1:1 Clinic and Live Q&A recordings

To find out if Balanced Business Bootcamp is a good fit for you, take our quiz!

Balanced Business Bootcamp is best for existing freelance motion designers and studio owners who’ve been running a business for at least 2 years and are making over £50K in revenue

You’re fully protected by the 30-day Balanced Business Guarantee

I want to make sure this year-long investment is 100% right for you…so here’s your chance to test it out!

If you take action and watch the video lessons, dive into the library of resources, show up to our live coaching sessions, and you still don’t find this programme valuable within the first 30 days, I’ll happily give you a no-questions-asked refund.

Hear more real-life results and experiences from the members inside 👇

Kelly is implementing systems while successfully delivering high-quality client work
Manuel Does Motion is working on his first animation course and creating a passive income business
Lee went from feeling directionless to gaining complete confidence in his plans for his business
John went from wondering “what do I do next?” to taking control of his career and going after the clients he wants
Balanced Business Bootcamp is the perfect fit for you if:

✅ You’re a freelance motion designer or studio owner

✅ You’ve been in business for at least 2 years

✅ You’re making at least £50,000

And you can relate to the following:


  • You’ve been feeling lost and directionless, and wish someone could help you identify the next steps to scale your business (and how to achieve your goals in a stress-free way)
  • You don’t want to do this alone anymore ― you want a trusted mentor AND you want to be part of a community filled with supportive and driven motion designers who all want to get better at what they do
  • You want to work on more creative projects that make a positive impact on the world ― not just because it pays your bills
  • You want to carve out more time for personal projects, networking, and hanging out with your family
Balanced Business Bootcamp is NOT for you if:

❌ You’re still working a full-time job

❌ You’re in the beginning stages of freelancing (or side-hustling), and struggling to get your first few clients.

(If that’s the case, you’ll love my Client Quest course instead!)

❌ You’re looking for overnight success without putting in the work

❌ You want to get better at the skill of motion design and animation. (This is all about the business side of motion design, not a crash course in becoming a better designer.)

❌ You aren’t looking to be an active member of the community. (While we don’t expect you to socialise 24/7 ― Balanced Business Bootcamp is much more fun and valuable when everyone chimes in and contributes.)

Ready to build a sustainable, stress-free, motion design business that gives you the time and freedom to do what you love?

Get 12 months of personalised mentorship, hands-on support, and accountability

Unlock access to:

      • Sustainable Systems Foundations Curriculum
      • Private Community of Motion Designers
      • LIVE Weekly Calls
      • 1:1 Business Clinics
      • Guest Expert Masterclasses
      • Get Sh*T Done Accountability Sessions
      • Always-Updated Library of Systems templates
      • Quarterly Momentum-Building Sprints
      • Growth Plan Dashboard
      • BONUS: Client Quest
      • Archive of 1:1 Clinic and Live Q&A recordings

To find out if Balanced Business Bootcamp is a good fit for you, take our quiz!

In case you’re wondering… 

Balanced Business Bootcamp is different from every other business programme on the market because:

1. It’s run by a motion designer FOR motion designers

The strategies and insights provided are motion design-specific ― no generic business advice.

As someone who’s been in the Motion Design industry for over 15 years and worked with 100s of motion designers in the last 7 years ― I have an intimate understanding of your specific struggles and how to overcome them!

This includes: how to best attract the studios and agencies that hire motion designers. How to best structure your packages and deliverables. How to best position yourself within our specific industry (or niche into another one). And so much more!

2. It’s focused on systems, not just steps

There’s no point adding 10 clients to your workload if you don’t have the systems in place to deliver your best-quality work.

This programme is NOT about pushing you to grow your business to the point where you compromise your health, peace, and time. Instead, it shows you how to create systems that’ll compound over time and free up your energy to dedicate to life outside your business.

3. It’s tailored to you and YOUR goals ― not anyone else’s

Yes, the core goal is to build a sustainable, stress-free business that gives you freedom. But what you do with your new-found time and energy is up to you.

Whether you want to make more revenue or work on impactful projects, create passive income streams, grow a studio filled with amazing contractors, or work for 9 months out of the year then holiday the rest ― we’ll design a customised plan that works for YOU.

4. You get me in your business for an entire year

I don’t love you and leave you. I’m dedicated to helping you build a solid foundation of sustainable systems, and a business that will serve you for a long time.

You get a whole year of support from me whenever you need extra hand-holding, check-ins, and accountability.

“I cannot recommend Balanced Business Bootcamp enough.

If I could talk to the version of myself 5 months from now who was thinking of joining Balanced Business Bootcamp, I’d tell him:

Just do it. Just click that button. Because you are going to join a team of creatives who all want to succeed in motion design, who all want to share their work, who all want to get better at what they do.

It’s given me confidence. Confidence in motion design. Confidence in my plans and what I hope to achieve this year. That’s the greatest thing.”

 Lee Williams, Motion Designer

“Balanced Business Bootcamp helped me to set my plan up first and organise my goals for what I need to get done.

It is a collaborative environment where everyone is working on improving their business together.

I have taken a few general business classes that helped me start to learn the in-&-outs of business. BUT Balanced Business Bootcamp has been much more helpful for me because it is more specific towards my industry and provides more clear direction for what I should specifically be doing.

I love the community and I love all the resources provided by the course. I always think it’s important to connect with other people in your industry, but to have a great way to communicate with people who are going through the same issues as myself is even better. Additionally, all the resources provided by the Motion Hatch team, guest lecturers, and classmates have helped give me the push I need.

Now, I feel confident with my business and my goals for the year. I have been able to work with the resources and everyone involved to set my goals forward and guide where I want to take my business.”

Michael Merlino, mmersiv CO

Ready to build a sustainable, stress-free, motion design business that gives you the time and freedom to do what you love?

Get 12 months of personalised mentorship, hands-on support, and accountability

Unlock access to:

      • Sustainable Systems Foundations Curriculum
      • Private Community of Motion Designers
      • LIVE Weekly Calls
      • 1:1 Business Clinics
      • Guest Expert Masterclasses
      • Get Sh*T Done Accountability Sessions
      • Always-Updated Library of Systems templates
      • Quarterly Momentum-Building Sprints
      • Growth Plan Dashboard
      • BONUS: Client Quest
      • Archive of 1:1 Clinic and Live Q&A recordings

To find out if Balanced Business Bootcamp is a good fit for you, take our quiz!

Balanced Business Bootcamp is best for existing freelance motion designers and studio owners who’ve been running a business for at least 2 years and are making over £50K in revenue

Not sure if this is the right move for you and your business?


I get it. A year is a long time to spend together…

But one thing’s for sure:

Nothing changes unless you take action.

Staying put means more of the same ― being stuck in the day-to-day grind with no breathing space on your calendar to grow your business or to spend time with your family.

But when you have 12 months access to:


  • The steps to create the foundational systems that’ll free up your time
  • A library of growth-focused resources to keep you laser-focused on your goals
  • A private community of like-minded motion designers and creatives for support
  • Multiple opportunities to get mentored by me and ask me anything you want about scaling your business
  • A solid plan for growth right in your back pocket 

Here’s what could happen…

In 1 month — You’ll have identified your top three goals for the year, shaken off those “I’m not good enough” doubts, and you’ll feel confident enough to reach out to dream clients with bigger budgets.

In 3 months — You’ll have started to part ways with old clients who don’t align with your vision, you’ll have raised your rates, and prioritised working on the tasks with the biggest impact on your business.

In 6 months — You’ll have created marketing systems that consistently bring in high-paying clients with less effort, set up automations to free up your time, and maybe even be ready to expand your team or explore passive income opportunities.

In 12 months — You’re running an entirely new business. One where you have the freedom to choose what projects to work on, your systems are running like clockwork in the background, AND you have more time to spend with the people you love.

You deserve to run a business that puts money in your pocket AND gives you the freedom to focus on what really matters to you


After all, isn’t that why you started your business in the first place?

To be clear, scaling to this sweet spot won’t happen overnight…

But if you commit to showing up, I’ll meet you where you’re at and help you grow the business you’re craving.

Ready to build a sustainable, stress-free, motion design business that gives you the time and freedom to do what you love?

Get 12 months of personalised mentorship, hands-on support, and accountability

Unlock access to:

      • Sustainable Systems Foundations Curriculum
      • Private Community of Motion Designers
      • LIVE Weekly Calls
      • 1:1 Business Clinics
      • Guest Expert Masterclasses
      • Get Sh*T Done Accountability Sessions
      • Always-Updated Library of Systems templates
      • Quarterly Momentum-Building Sprints
      • Growth Plan Dashboard
      • BONUS: Client Quest
      • Archive of 1:1 Clinic and Live Q&A recordings

To find out if Balanced Business Bootcamp is a good fit for you, take our quiz!

Balanced Business Bootcamp is best for existing freelance motion designers and studio owners who’ve been running a business for at least 2 years and are making over £50K in revenue

Got questions? Here’s what other motion designers asked before they joined Balanced Business Bootcamp

I’ve taken other business courses/programmes before. How do I know this will work for me?

While other business courses and coaching programmes are about starting and growing your business…

Balanced Business Bootcamp is all about scaling your motion design business or studio in the most sustainable and stress-free way through the process of implementing systems. 

This is NOT about pushing you to grow at all costs (because no amount of revenue is worth working 12 hours a day and sacrificing time with your loved ones).

Instead, it’s about creating systems that will free up your time so you can make good money AND spend more time on your passions and hobbies. 

If sustainable growth that adds more money to your bank account while still leaving room in your schedule for lazy weekends, guilt-free holidays, and passion projects is what you’re after…?

This is the program for you. 

How much attention will I really get from you, Hayley?

Short answer: a lot. 

For 12 months, you’ll get to attend weekly LIVE calls hosted by me where you can ask me anything you want about business or about balancing work and life. The sky’s the limit, here. 

You can also book (and attend) 1:1 business clinics with me to go deeper on a specific area or talk about your current hurdles. 

And you’ll get access to a dedicated community space on Circle to ask me (and the group) questions or troubleshoot your concerns. You will feel seen and supported.

I keep the group as intimate as possible (and cap enrollment periods to only 10 motion designers and studio owners), so that I can answer your questions and help keep track of your growth!

What if I’ve been freelancing for less than 2 years or making less than £50K in revenue?

If that’s you right now, then I highly recommend my Client Quest course! It’s where you’ll discover our freelance funnel framework system for finding and attracting the right clients so you can book more dream creative projects with less effort and boost your revenue.

What’s the difference between Balanced Business Bootcamp and Client Quest?

Balanced Business Bootcamp gives you the guidance, mentorship and support to build systems for your entire business. Our goal is to help you grow your existing motion design business into one that’s stress-free, sustainable, and gives you more freedom to pursue the things you love.

You can join Balanced Business Bootcamp if you’re an existing freelancer or studio owner who’s been running a business for at least 2 years and making over £50K in revenue.

Client Quest gives you the system for finding and attracting clients. It’s perfect for you if you’re: 

  • New to freelancing or still running your business as a side-hustle 
  • You want to know how to book your first few clients (without burning out)

If you join Balanced Business Bootcamp, you’ll get free and instant access to Client Quest 🥳

How much time will I need to invest?

I recommend 3 hours a week ― 1 hour for our LIVE calls, 1 hour to work through the Sustainable Systems Foundations curriculum so you can get your systems up and running, and 1 hour to implement the actionable advice you’ll get from the curriculum and the calls. 

But the beauty of being in a 12-month container means you can move at your own time and pace, while still having access to me and the community for support! 

If life circumstances demand a slower pace, you can always take a step back and then regain momentum later on. I’ll be here to help you get back on track with focused action steps. 

Can I join Balanced Business Bootcamp later?

You sure can…but I won’t be re-opening doors for quite some time.

Current members have experienced incredible growth and results within the first 3 months of joining…so just imagine how much further along you’ll be if you start now. 

What if I can’t make the live calls because of family plans/holidays/client meetings/time zones?

No worries. Every single live call and business clinic is recorded and available for you to watch whenever suits you. 

We have members from all over the world ― so whatever your time zone, you’ll still benefit from the community and the group calls. 

Do I need to commit to the full 12 months?

Yes. Scaling your business to the sweet spot where you can work less, earn more, and have more freedom to live life won’t happen overnight. You need time to take action, get feedback, and give your systems time to work. 

Working together for an entire year means you’ll have a constant business companion in me, and you’ll have support you can lean on when you inevitably run into a roadblock. 

Which means…

You’ll be able to leapfrog over your hurdles and gain momentum faster than you would if you were left to figure it out on your own. 

What if I have more questions?

I have plenty more answers to help you decide if the Balanced Business Bootcamp is right for you. Email me at and I’ll get back to you. 

“Everything in the Balanced Business Bootcamp is helpful!

Inside, I’m learning what I need to know ― how to set goals, where I want my business to grow, and get inspiration for a possible niche. It has become easier for me to contact new potential clients and I have started to be a bit more out there on LinkedIn!

The most important part for me is connection with like-minded professionals, accountability, sharing experiences and advice.

The information you get from Balanced Business Bootcamp ― Sustainable Systems Foundation, registered calls, extra resources ― everything inside is helpful!”

Katya Khimenets