Scale Your Design and Animation Business the Stress-Free Way

Rocket Fuel Roadmap is our High-Level Systems Implementation Course and Group Coaching Program for experienced freelancers who are ready to scale.

Over 12 months, we’ll help you to scale your business, make more money and manage your time efficiently. This freedom will allow you to work with clients that are aligned with your passions & have more time to spend with your family or work on your professional & personal development.


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 Everything you need to scale your design and animation business without feeling overwhelmed.

✅ 8-Week Systems Implementation course helping you to add systems to your business so you can save time to work on the projects you love.

✅ Accountability calls giving you the space and time to work on the important tasks in your business you’re currently putting off.

✅ Group Coaching Calls to answer all your questions about scaling a design and animation business.

✅  1-1 Hotseat Coaching Calls for when you have a project or big struggle you’re trying to tackle but you’re unsure how. (These calls will also be attended by the group so everyone can benefit.)

✅ Calls with Industry and Marketing Experts to give you the insights into running your business and answers to all of your questions.

✅ Access to our Private Rocket Fuel Roadmap Community where you can meet likeminded designers and animators on the same journey.

✅ Bonus Access to our signature course Client Quest [Value – £447] Client Quest helps you to get consistent clients so you know where your next project is coming from.

✅ Pay in full and save £1,000

✅ 30 day money back guarantee

Find out if Rocket Fuel Roadmap is a good fit for you.
Take our 5-minute quiz below.

I doubled my income from 100k to 200k in less than a year while spending less time in the office!

I make more money now and work less because I am saying yes to the right opportunities.

DJ Summit

Freelance Motion Designer

What we will cover in our Systems Implementation Course.

Rocket Fuel Roadmap lasts 12 months and we kick off with our 8-week systems implementation course.

Step 1: Mindset

Your mindset around your business is the one thing that can help you to transform your business and your life.

As artists we all suffer from imposter system but having mindset systems to tackle these confidence issues is probably the most important thing you can learn.

You’ll focus on how you’re getting in your own way and you’ll figure out why you do what you do, doing this can catapult your business to new levels.

Step 3: Organisation and Time Management

You will create time management and organisational systems that work for you and your clients.

Keeping you on track and giving you more time to focus on your professional and personal development.

Helping you to get bigger and better clients working on the projects you love.

Step 5: Growth

Now you have a thriving business you’re probably going to need some extra help.

You’ll add growth systems to your business including how to effectively hire and onboard freelancers you’ll love to work with. You’ll also learn other ways to grow your business outside of your services.

Step 2: Goals

Maybe setting goals feels scary to you. You try to set goals but ultimately get off track.

You’ll learn our goals system to help you to break your goals into small actionable steps that will be achievable for you.

You will also make sure your business goals align with your personal goals so you can build your business in a way that works for you.

Step 4: Positioning

You’re a busy freelancer but what’s next where do you go from here and how do you work with bigger and better clients.
You’ll position and market yourself to attract the types of clients that you want whether that’s as a studio, freelancer or in your chosen niche.

Right now you believe:

You have to say yes to every client that comes to you to grow your business. You can’t scale your business whilst working less.

I’m here to tell you that’s not true! And this belief is what is holding you back from scaling your business.

There is a way to make more money and have more time.

Imagine what it will feel like when you are…

  • Working with your ideal clients you actually care about.
  • Scaling your business without it being scary or overwhelming.
  • Eliminating the “bad fit” clients with a simple repeatable system so you can serve only your best clients.
  • Having more time to focus on yourself, your professional development and your family.
  • Taking time off and not feeling guilty about it.
  • Feeling confident about the direction you’re headed and excited about your future.
  • Adding extra revenue streams to your business because you have time to develop your side projects.

Find out if Rocket Fuel Roadmap is a good fit for you.
Take our 5-minute quiz below.

Here is what some of our students have achieved since working with us!

My first year of freelance I made $30k and my second year of freelance I made nearly $100k. I have Motion Hatch to thank for that! The Accelerator is the gasoline and you are the match and it’s an instant fire for your career and they give you the tools to keep it burning for a long time. 

Andrew Monpetit

Freelance Motion Designer

I felt more confident to charge more and raise my rate and move more to a project based pricing system. I made almost double what I made the year before. Going from around 50k Euro to 100k Euro in revenue 
Marc Bottler

Freelance Motion Designer

Got Questions about Rocket Fuel Roadmap?

Have questions? We’re here to help!

As always we’re ready to chat to you in the DM’s or via email.

We would love to know what’s on your mind.

Whether you have questions, hesitations, celebrations don’t be shy. Feel free to send us a DM on Instagram

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