Grab this Black Friday Bundle and get two workshops plus access to our career-changing course Client Quest.

Are you struggling to get regular high paying clients, or finding it difficult to organise your work and career goals? Maybe you haven’t made the jump into freelance yet because you’re feeling overwhelmed? We get it! This bundle will help you to become a freelance master and smash your 2022 goals.

Bundle goes away on Monday 29th November








What’s included in The Freelance Mastery Bundle


Our career-changing course Client Quest (£447)

Learn how to attract regular high paying clients so you don’t have to worry about where your next project is coming from.

Live Yearly Planning Workshop (£99)

Plan your 2022 so you can achieve your motion design career goals and have the best year ever.

Passive Income for Motion Designers Workshop (£49)

Learn how to create alternative income streams for your motion design business. 

I wanted to find a new way to bring in work rather than wait for it to come to me. I didn’t have an effective system to constantly have work flowing in. Client Quest contributed to new follow ups and led to work popping up. I made about 11-12k dollars over just two months!
– Grant Harwell

Client Quest will help you…

  • Create a system for gaining consistent clients.
  • Develop an effective social media strategy.
  • Feel confident in communication and how you reach out to clients.
  • Maintain client relationships.
  • Get more referrals.


Yearly Planning Workshop will help you…

  • Make and implement your yearly plan.
  • Have time to achieve your goals.
  • Take actionable steps and make progress.
  • Have a clear idea of what you should work on.
  • Learn how to get the most out of 2022.

Passive Income Workshop will help you…

  • Learn how to generate ideas that will make you money.
  • Learn how to grow an audience and find out what they want to buy.
  • Learn the six best ways to make money online as a motion designer.
  • Learn our number 1 hack to starting a passive income business quickly.

Plus exclusive access to our Motion Hatch Community!


Motion Hatch Alumni Slack


You can ask questions, interact with other motion designers and build your network. You can even find an accountability partner for this course. We actively encourage you to partner up! We love accountability.

Live Office Hours with Hayley

Our weekly live Zoom calls give you the opportunity to ask questions and get advice. You can pop in when you like and all of the Office hours are recorded so you can go back and look at them later.

What our students say about Client Quest: 

We would love you to achieve similar (or even better) results as the students in this video. Please note these testimonials are personal experiences and are for illustrative purposes for the type of results you could achieve. 

“Client Quest has seriously helped me level up my process to gain new clients. The course has helped me to fully appreciate the various methods we can put into practice to reach out to new and existing clients.

I’ve also formalised my time keeping and made the most of testimonials so they work hard for you. I’ve gained clients and had referrals that wouldn’t have been the case before I joined this course.”

- Marc Lawrence

“I got a client who is making a documentary series via Instagram thanks to the advice in this course. Thanks for encouraging me”
- Alixe Lobato

“Before this course, I found it very difficult to find any common ground with the clients I wanted to reach out to and was trying everything for client outreach, without a proper system.

I signed my very first contract with a big studio halfway through this course! Also, my list of connections is growing day by day.

I recommend the Client Quest for any beginner as well as any seasoned pro in the motion design field as there is an ‘aha’ moment in this for everyone.

This course is proving to be one of the best investments I have ever made.

- Kavindu Weerasekara

Your Instructor

Hayley Akins


Hayley is the founder of Motion Hatch and the host of the Motion Hatch podcast. Her aim is to provide the motion design community with the knowledge and resources they need to build businesses they care about and do work they love.

On her podcast, Hayley talks to influential motion designers about their lives, careers and how they run their businesses. She also speaks with entrepreneurs, accountants and lawyers to get their tips and advice on best business practices for freelance motion designers.

Hayley has worked in motion design for over 10 years, her clients have included Google, The Gates Foundation and the United Nations. 

Frequently Asked Questions

When do the workshops and course start?

You can access the Client Quest course and Passive Income Workshop right away on our student platform. You can go at your own pace but we do have weekly office hours in Client Quest where we meet, review your work and answer any questions you have about the course. 

The Yearly Planning Workshop will be live and take place in early January. You will receive an email in December will all the details and be able to access the replay on our student platform. 

How long do I get access?

You get access to the bundle via our Student platform and also get access to the Motion Hatch Alumni Slack Community for 1 year so you can go at your own pace. 

Are there payment plans?

Yes! You can split the payment in two and pay just £172.50 over two months

What makes Client Quest different from other resources?
Client Quest is the only online freelancing course that combines video lessons, client management tools, downloadable PDFs, and access to the Motion Hatch community. We cover much more than just reaching out to clients via email. We explore techniques that will also bring your clients to you. You’ll connect with other Motion Designers and get your questions answered by Hayley via live video Q&A. It’s the perfect way to kickstart your freelance career.
Do Client Quest and the workshops work for all Countries?
Yes! The techniques outlined in Client Quest and our workshops are designed for you to handle local and worldwide clients no matter where you live.
Is now a good time to go freelance?
The techniques outlined in the bundle can be used for both part-time and full-time freelancers. So whether you are looking to quit your day job or simply want to grow a side business, the techniques outlined in our Freelance Mastery Bundle will help you achieve your Motion Design goals.
Will Freelance Mastery Bundle work for me?

If you are a freelance motion designer or want to jump into freelance and you want more consistent and better clients then it will work for you. The lessons in this course and workshops are based on Hayley’s own experience as a freelance motion designer but it’s also based on helping hundreds of motion designers find success in our Mograph Mastermind Program and from interviewing guest experts on our podcast.

How much time do I need to dedicate to this Bundle?

The videos are short. We respect your time and only give you the content you need. There are assignments but you can easily fit them into your workday. We think 2-3 hours a week would be enough for Client Quest. The workshops are around 1 hr 30 mins each.

Who is this Bundle for?

This Bundle is for people who want to go freelance as a motion designer or who are already freelance and want a step by step guide to building a system for getting consistent clients, lessons on how to make 2022 your best year yet and ideas on how to make money on the side of your freelance business. (We cover how to reach out to direct clients as well as agencies.)

Can’t I just enroll in this next time?

We haven’t released this bundle before and we may not do it again. 

How do I purchase the Bundle?

Click the enroll button and make the payment and you will get instant access to Client Quest, The Passive Income Workshop and upcoming office hours, our Alumni Slack Channel. We will email you details of the Yearly Planning Workshop in December.

I’ve got other questions, where can I find answers?

You can email us at if you have more questions.

Ready to transform your freelance business and have your ideal clients coming to YOU?

Motion Hatch is an online school for freelance motion graphic designers and animators. We offer courses, resources, a community forum and a bi-weekly podcast and a YouTube channel discussing the ins and outs of the business side of motion design.

Learn More